8 bits do a byte
Add host to Icinga2
Adding a Windows 2008 Server to Icinga2 master Server using Icinga2 agent Setup the Icinga2 master for node clients and make shure the answer to the first question is n (no). # icinga2 node wizard Dowload the agent from Icinga2 website and run it. After the installation the setup wizzard will pop up. Remember the Instance Name…
Icinga2 on CentOS7
A Software to monitor the health of an infrastructure is a vital component to a good system administrator. After looking arround for open source software i decided to give Icinga2 a try. Icinga2 is a fork of Nagios (it’s a good start) and looks much cooler 🙂 (IMO The cool factor is very important) CentOS7…
VMware ESXi server hardware
I have a VMware infrastructure in my company and it’s time to make a hardware upgrade. All my server are up and running and i can’t shut them down, how can i check how many slots of physical memory RAM are free? It’s as simple as running on the ESXi Shell the command: smbiosDump This…
Access Cisco Firewall through Telnet using Python
In my company we have a couple of VPN’s configured and one of the VPN’s is essential to the core business of the company. That particular VPN from time to time freezes and i need to disconnect it, but that isn’t always a simple task as when i am in vacations i don’t have access…
weekends work
before after thanks Oliveira.
Windows 2008 – Running a Scheduled Task after another
I had a problem with my Windows 2008 SQL Server. I have a scheduled task to handle the backups of the backups with robocopy and a very small disk. I thought i could just delete the files after copying them to a network drive, but this is a lot harder than it look. It looks…
Aeroquad mini Shield
The 6 DOF has arrived and is now welded to the shield I used some foam as shock absorber on the sensor.
VMware Broker
This is a tutorial on how to install the VMware broker. Download the VMware View Connection Server 5 (in my case) and start the installation process. Keep clicking next until you get the Installation Options screen. In my case i am going to choose “View Replica Server” because i already have a VMware infrastructure. Click…
Aeroquad Mini Shield
After some late night work here it is!!!
I have just received my new AeroQuad Mini Shield v1.0 for my quadcopter build. This shield is for Arduino Pro Mini and lets you build a simple and cheap quadcopter. This version of the shield includes a voltage divider circuit so that you can measure battery voltage during flight!
Got any blog recommendations?