Tag: vmware
How to Create Local ESXi Account and Assign Permissions Using PowerCLI
Are you struggling to create local accounts and assign permissions for your ESXi hosts manually? In this post, we’ll show you how to use PowerCLI to make the process faster and more efficient. With just a few simple commands, you can create local accounts on your ESXi hosts, assign permissions, and even automate the process…
Single ESXi infrastructure upgrade: how to
Updating your ESXi hosts is essential for optimal performance. Unfortunately, without vCenter, updating your hosts can become a time-consuming and daunting task. However, in this blog post, we’ll show you how to update your ESXi hosts using PowerCLI. PowerCLI offers an efficient, fast, and less error-prone way to update ESXi hosts without vCenter. With our…
ESXi Logs: How to Fix the hbr-agent Issue!
Are you tired of seeing your ESXi logs filled with “User root@ logged in/out” messages due to hbr-agent? If so, you’re not alone! This issue can create a massive influx of entries on the GUI, making it nearly impossible to read and sort through. The good news is that there’s a simple solution to this…
[VMwareLAB] – 3.the design
Time for the fun stuff 😀 On my previous posts (here and here) I talked about what made me decide to go for a physical server, the parts that I selected considering my budget and the lowest noise possible and today I will talk about the logical design behind the lab. I will use my…
[VMwareLAB] – 2.hardware
Selection of budget-friendly hardware
[VMwareLAB] – 1.first thoughts
The thinking process behind the start of a VMware Lab
App Volumes – Office 365
After installing Office 365 32bits in a Windows 7 64bit everything seemed to work as expected. But after attaching a writable volume to the VM, Macros on Office stopped working even if it was a clean writable volume (not used before). VMware KB provided a walk around for environments that use snapvol.cfg in Writable Volumes or in…
Script – Get VMs created, deleted or modified on vCenter
A while back someone asked me if i could tell him who deleted a vm and when. I was able to get the information but it took me quite some time digging in the events. After this request I was asked to create a script that would send an email every day with the VMs…
AppStack packages migration
App Volumes by VMware provides, in the fly, application delivery to virtualized desktop environments. This application delivery system allows applications to be delivered to virtualized desktop environments based on profiles using VMDK virtual disks without modifying the Virtual Machine or applications themselves. App Volumes v. 2.xx has some issues when you try to migrate AppStack…
Get VM name with specific MAC Address
-Recently I got a request to get a virtual machine (vm) name using only the network interface MAC Address. After search for some scripts I could not find one that really worked for me so I put my brain to work and this is what I came up: [sourcecode language=”powershell”] get-vm | get-networkadapter | Where-Object…