[VMwareLAB] – 1.first thoughts

A lot of has been written about building your own VMware LAB, nevertheless, I just wanna share my personal experience and maybe still help someone 🙂

As a VMware enthusiast you, at some point in time had the need to test new products or features from VMware and found yourself without options for it.

Like many of you, I started with VMware workstation on my desktop, building a nested environment to try out simple features but soon realized the resources were just not there and that was the trigger to start thinking about alternatives.

There were a couple of options:

  1. Rent a physical server from an IaaS provider
  2. Use my friend’s lab (I have really nice friends)
  3. Upgrade my desktop to be used as a lab
  4. Buy dedicated hardware

Next step, define the Pros and Cons for each option.

1. Rent a physical server from an IaaS provider


  • No need to worry about hardware
  • No electric bill
  • Easy and fastest setup times


  • Not budget-friendly, even the cheapest one was too expensive
  • Limited hardware options (RAM, CPU, Disks)

2. Use my friend’s lab


  • Free or close to free (shared electrical bill)
  • Able to influence hardware upgrades


  • Be dependent on my friend’s goodwill
  • Don’t have full control of the Lab

3. Upgrade my desktop to be used as a Lab


  • Full control of hardware
  • Cheaper compared to 1st option
  • Just missing RAM


  • Hardware limitation (max 64GB RAM)
  • DDR4 it’s very expensive
  • Limit scalability

4. Buy dedicated hardware


  • Scalability
  • Customizable
  • Dedicated for the Lab


  • Big initial investment
  • Electic/Internet bill


After breaking my piggybank I went for the 4th option.

Next steps are to actually select the hardware and assemble everything…

As always,

Have fun and KISS



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